Somalia geophysical survey report
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The report is made by two sections: The report with syntheses of all activities carried out and related graphic enclosed The annexes with: X The Awdal Hydrogeology section X The West Borama Basin X The Zeila WSS X The VES curves The first three annexes are constituted by a report and related graphics enclosed. In the fourth there are only graphics and a legend to insert before each group of graphs. A detailed list of all files to print (in printing order) is reported in the next page. The print instructions for each CAD files (*.dwg) are inserted in the same file, hence opening the files with AutoCad you can read the instructions at the graph side. The graphs (as well as the maps) have been already positioned to fit the print phase. If you move it part of the graph may fall out of the paper. So, please, make the appropriate setting (printing scale, paper format and paper position) then ascertain, before printing, that the graph centres the output paper. If you get any problem contact me. The files are divided in 5 sub-directories plus one (DATA) with all the VES data collected during the mission. For each group of VES in the DATA sub- directory there is an excel file with the field data. In the report and annexes subdirectories there are also some WMF (windows metafiles) with the figures directly enclosed in the reports. It is only for archive, not for printing. Sorry for editing in such a complicate pattern, but the material was too much to be edited in a simpler way. Ciao a tutti Bruno [email protected] X REPORT Pag0.doc Mission Report.doc (report) Encl2-1.dwg Encl3-1.dwg Encl3-2.dwg Encl4-1.dwg Encl5-1.dwg Encl6-1.dwg Encl6-2.dwg Encl7-1.dwg Encl7-2.dwg ANNEXES Annex0.doc ANNEX A AnnexA-0.doc Awsal_Hydrogeology.doc (report) EnclA1.dwg ANNEX B AnnexB-0.doc West Borama.doc (report) EnclB1.dwg EnclB2-1,.... B2-4.dwg EnclB3.dwg ANNEX C AnnexC-0.doc New Zeila WSS.doc (report) EnclC1.dwg EnclC2.dwg EnclC3.dwg ANNEX D AnnexD-0.doc LegD1.doc EnclD1-01,....D1-21.dwg LegD2.doc EnclD2-01,....D2-05.dwg LegD3.doc EnclD3-01,....D3-03.dwg
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Date of publication:
January, 2003