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Update on drought situation and river levels along Shabelle River
Most parts of Somalia are facing serious drought conditions with the larger part of the population facing severe to extreme drought conditions. Since the last half of 2016, the severity has been spreading spatially and the impacts getting worse with time. Some climate models are already predicting a poor rainy season in the coming season which may further aggravate the existing drought conditions. However, this forecast will be confirmed in the coming month during a regional Climate Outlook Forum.
The months of January and February usually experience the lowest amounts of river flow along the Shabelle River. January 2017, has however seen significantly below normal levels along the river since the beginning of the month. Some parts of the river in the lower reaches have dried up. This has been caused by below normal rains experienced in the upper parts of the Shabelle basin during the previous season which in turn has led to reduced river flow and over utilization of the river water for various uses both in Ethiopia and inside Somalia.
Publication Type:
Drought watch
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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 18-11-2016
The northern and central parts of Somalia are expected to remain dry in the coming three days while the southern parts and the Ethiopian highlands will be expected to receive light to moderate rains during the same period.
Publication Type:
Flood watch bulletin
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Corporate Author:
Saadaasha Roobka Somalia 07-11-2016
Qaybaha koonfureed ee dalka iyo biyo-qabadyada sare ee Webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle ee xagga buuraleyda sare ee Itoobiya waxaa laga filayaa in helo roobab fudud iyo kuwo dhexdhexaad ah saddeda maalmood ee soo socota. Qaybaha waqooyi ee dalka waxay ahaan doonaan qalayl isla muddadaas.
Publication Type:
Rainfall Forecast
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Corporate Author:
Saadaasha Roob da’a Soomaaliya 1-11-2016
Waxaa saddexda maalmood ee soo socota gudaha qaybaha dalka inta badan ka jiri doona hoos u dhac xoogan oo ah arrimaha roob da’a. Inta badan meelaha gudaha dalka waxay ahaan doonaan qalayl marka laga reebo xeebta koonfureed oo laga yaabo inay hesho roobab fudud.
Publication Type:
Rainfall Forecast
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Corporate Author:
Somalia Rainfall Forecast 30-11-2016
In the next three days light to moderate rains will be received in southern and central parts of the country and the Ethiopian highlands. The north western regions will receive scattered rains while the north eastern parts will remain dry in the same period.
Publication Type:
Rainfall Forecast
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Corporate Author:
Somalia Rainfall Forecast 22-11-2016
The southern parts of the country and the upper catchments of the Juba and Shabelle Rivers at the Ethiopian highlands are expected to receive light to moderate rains in the coming three days.
The northern parts of the country will remain dry in the same period.
Publication Type:
Rainfall Forecast
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Corporate Author:
Somalia Rainfall Forecast 11-11-2016
Minimal rainfall activities are expected across Somalia in the next three days, apart from the southern coastal areas which may receive light rains. The upper catchments of the Juba and Shabelle Rivers at the Ethiopian highlands will also remain dry in the same period.
Publication Type:
Rainfall Forecast
Publication Date:
Corporate Author:
Somalia Rainfall Forecast 23-11-2016
There will be reduced rainfall activities in most parts of Somalia in the coming three days with exception of the lower reaches of Juba and Shabelle regions where light rains are expected in the forecast period.
Moderate to high rains are also foreseen within the Ethiopian highlands in the next three days.
Publication Type:
Rainfall Forecast
Publication Date:
Corporate Author:
Somalia Rainfall Forecast 11-11-2016
Waxaa guud ahaan Soomaalia la filayaa roob yaraan saddexda maalmood ee soo socota, marka laga reebo meelaha xeebaha koonfureed kuwaas oo laga yaabo inay helaan roobab fudud. Qaybta biyo-qabatinka sare ee Webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle ee xagga buuraleyda saree e Itoobiya waxay iyaduna sidoo kale ahaan doontaa qalayl isla muddada iyada ah.
Publication Type:
Rainfall Forecast
Publication Date:
Corporate Author:
Saadaasha Roobka Somalia 23-11-2016
Saddexda maalmood ee soo socota waxaa ka jiri doona inta badan qaybaha dhulka Soomaaliya roob yaraan marka laga reebo dhanka hoose ee gobollada Juba iyo Shabeelle halkaas oo laga filaayo roobab fudud muddada la saadaaliyey. Roobab dhexdhexaad ilaa kuwo badan ayaa sidoo kale laga saadaaliyey dhulka-sare ee Itoobiya saddexda maalmood ee soo aadan.
Publication Type:
Rainfall Forecast
Publication Date:
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